
Organic Spices | Organic Shop India

organic spices

Spice up Your Life

When we think of spices we often think about them in terms of flavor. We think about how we can incorporate them into our foods so that the mealtime experience is more tasty and enjoyable. Perhaps what we should be thinking about though is what we should be eating (in terms of spices) that will promote health and fight disease because not only do they elevate the flavor of our food they also heal what ails us.

Organic Shop India

I discovered online store lately and I was so happy to find them since they are one of the rare online stores that sell Indian organic products. Organic shop India enables international consumers to reach out and buy Indian organic products online, allowing them to easily access the authentic, organic Indian products.

Here are some of the common spices we use in our cooking and how they may benefit our health and fight disease:

Cumin seeds

Cumin The second most used herb in the world after black pepper, cumin provides a distinct and pleasant taste. It is widely used in the Middle East, almost use it in everything. Cumin includes its ability to aid in digestion, improve immunity and treat piles, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, anemia, skin disorders and cancer. Natureland’s Cumin Whole is organic and very good quality.

Cumin seeds

Coriander Powder

Coriander has a sweet, pleasant flavor with a hint of lemon. Ground coriander is easy to add to rice dishes, meat rubs, and bread. Coriander is commonly found in Middle Eastern
Both a herb and a spice are produced by the coriander plant. The leaf is known as cilantro, and coriander seeds are collected when the plant goes to seed.



Fenugreek seeds are mainly found in Middle Eastern cooking and are a popular ingredient in curries and chutneys. The hard, dense seeds can be difficult to grind at home, so this fine powder is a handy way to include fenugreek in cooking. Fenugreek has a sweet, nutty flavor with an alluring maple aroma. It is primarily used in Turkish, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cuisine, where it turns up in dishes from soup to bread.


Chili Powder

Chile powder is easily confused with chili pepper. When a recipe calls for chile pepper, it means pure ground chiles. Chili powder, on the other hand, is a blend of ground chiles and other ingredients.
Hand mixed from sweet ancho chile pepper, cumin, garlic, powdered Mexican oregano, cayenne, and crushed red pepper.

Chili Powder

These spices are from Natureland Organic Foods .


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